

Aerial imagery created with the aid of photographic images of the aircraft. In highly technical processes after the aerial survey, the scale aerial map from the input images will produce. To allow for the production of air image products, modern digital sensor systems are used.

The technical equipment of our aerial survey company basically consists of three components:


GeoFly relies on environmentally friendly aircraft. GeoFly operates a fixed fleet of three DA62 MPP aircraft and... more

Camera system

The following high-performance camera systems from Microsoft Vexcel Imaging are available: two UltraCam Eagle Mark 3,... more

Photogrammetric workstations

Various software systems from the following manufacturers are used: Flight planning IGIPlan Postprocessing of... more
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Contact Geofly GmbH

Ottersleber Chaussee 91
39120 Magdeburg

Tel.: +49 391 5095958-0
Fax: +49 391 5095958-99
Email: post@geofly.eu



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